how to purchase pension plan token

How to purchase
a Pension Plan token?

The best way to purchase the Pension Plan token is through Trader Joe.

Pension Plan contract: 


You can use any wallet, which allows you to interact with Uniswap and receive the redistribution. For example Coinbase wallet or Trust wallet. If you do not have any wallet you can use MetaMask as well. Find out how to buy with MetaMask bellow.

how to purchase pension plan token

metamask logo

Step 1

Metamask wallet

Download and create a Meta Mask wallet on Google ChromeiPhone or Android

ethereum logo

Step 2


Use the Avalanche Network C-Chain. Buy AVAX or transfer it to your MetaMask account

uniswap logo

Step 3

Connect to Trader Joe
token key icon

Step 4

Token ID


increase icon

Step 5

Increase the slippage

Trader Joe setting should allow you to buy the Pension Plan token without changing the settings. If needed increase the slippage to 11 %

pension plan icon

Step 6

Enter amount

Enter amount you want to swap, click Swap, and
Pension Plan token
is yours!

Token ID:


Find out more about the tokenomics on:

snowtrace logo


Find out more about the tokenomics on Snowtrace:

mobile pension plan groove
dext logo


You can watch the price grow on Dextools: